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Psychic Read, Heal &Unblock £180 /45 Min

45 Minute Video Reading. 45 Minute Distance Healing & Unblocking

  • 45 min
  • 180 British pounds
  • Online Session

Service Description

45 Minute Reading & 45 Minute Healing. Auric Cleanse. Unblocking. Report, summary & homework sent the following day. Tiffany has the ability to see you past, present and future and will let you know what she is allowed to see during your time together. Guides will help Tiffany read your energy. Tiffany will let you know what guides are assisting her during your reading. Tiffany will be able to see the beauty within your soul and will encourage you to also see this. It is a good idea to have some questions ready so that Tiffany can help you get from A to B. Tiffany has the ability to see areas of your past, your current life and your future. So you can ask questions about your love life, career, children, financial status, location, moving or anything else you want for your future! Tiffany will also give you some manifesting tools to help you get to where you want to be. During your reading, your guides often come forward to share information. Tiffany will also use clairvoyance to see a 'film' of your life and certain situations. This often helps to ‘plant a seed’ to help you navigate your next steps. Tiffany will do her best to get through all your questions. Please note this is a 45 minute reading. Channelling guides, unblocking your energy field & seeing the future is an incredibly complex skill set which will be completed in 45 minutes. After the intuitive session we will put the phone down and Tiffany will continue to do a healing & work on your energy field for another 45 minutes. This part is very important. Here we can unblock all the areas of your life where you feel stuck. During the distance healing, Tiffany will use Reiki / Lemurian Healing and intuitive healing to see what needs unblocking. Your guides will also help to show her your energy field and what needs cleansing. Each healing is completely unique. This will be a distance healing in the comfort of your own home. If you want to feel the energy, you can lay down or sit in meditation. If you are busy or walking around, it won’t make any difference to the healing itself. You will then receive a summary of the healing the following day and your guides may provide some homework too. *Price includes VAT

Cancellation Policy

You will lose 50% of your time if you cancel within 24 hours of your booking.

Contact Details

Offices in London & Sussex Uckfield TN22, UK

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